Struan St, Toorak
Struan St, Toorak
Location: Toorak, VIC
Builder: Emoc Constructions
Service: New Construction Build
Stone Type: South Australian Limestone
A true masterpiece of a build in the leafy Victorian Suburb of Toorak, lead by Emoc Constructions we were called upon to building this incredible building out of South Australian Limestone supplied by the Bruhn quarries.
With no expense spared on this building we went all out hand carving corner pieces out of solid stone to have minimal seams creating a smooth solid look to exterior corners, this was also carried out internally throughout the building.
The front entrance arch is 100% Self supporting and took three weeks to sculpy due to the size of the blocks used and the incredible large scooped front. The solid construction front fence thats also done out of S.A. Limestone features ornamental balls which were hand carved out of solid pieces of the stone, every surface of this building was painstakingly sanded to ensure the smoothest possible finish was reached.